Sector 1.01 en

code name description category category-name category-description
11110 Education policy and administrative management Education sector policy, planning and programmes; aid to education ministries, administration and management systems; institution capacity building and advice; school management and governance; curriculum and materials development; unspecified education activities. 111 Education, level unspecified The codes in this category are to be used only when level of education is unspecified or unknown (e.g. training of primary school teachers should be coded under 11220).
11120 Education facilities and training Educational buildings, equipment, materials; subsidiary services to education (boarding facilities, staff housing); language training; colloquia, seminars, lectures, etc. 111 Education, level unspecified The codes in this category are to be used only when level of education is unspecified or unknown (e.g. training of primary school teachers should be coded under 11220).
11130 Teacher training Teacher education (where the level of education is unspecified); in-service and pre-service training; materials development. 111 Education, level unspecified The codes in this category are to be used only when level of education is unspecified or unknown (e.g. training of primary school teachers should be coded under 11220).
11182 Educational research Research and studies on education effectiveness, relevance and quality; systematic evaluation and monitoring. 111 Education, level unspecified The codes in this category are to be used only when level of education is unspecified or unknown (e.g. training of primary school teachers should be coded under 11220).
11220 Primary education Formal and non-formal primary education for children; all elementary and first cycle systematic instruction; provision of learning materials. 112 Basic education
11230 Basic life skills for youth and adults Formal and non-formal education for basic life skills for young people and adults (adults education); literacy and numeracy training. 112 Basic education
11240 Early childhood education Formal and non-formal pre-school education. 112 Basic education
11320 Secondary education Second cycle systematic instruction at both junior and senior levels. 113 Secondary education
11330 Vocational training Elementary vocational training and secondary level technical education; on-the job training; apprenticeships; including informal vocational training. 113 Secondary education
11420 Higher education Degree and diploma programmes at universities, colleges and polytechnics; scholarships. 114 Post-secondary education
11430 Advanced technical and managerial training Professional-level vocational training programmes and in-service training. 114 Post-secondary education
12110 Health policy and administrative management Health sector policy, planning and programmes; aid to health ministries, public health administration; institution capacity building and advice; medical insurance programmes; unspecified health activities. 121 Health, general
12181 Medical education/training Medical education and training for tertiary level services. 121 Health, general
12182 Medical research General medical research (excluding basic health research). 121 Health, general
12191 Medical services Laboratories, specialised clinics and hospitals (including equipment and supplies); ambulances; dental services; mental health care; medical rehabilitation; control of non-infectious diseases; drug and substance abuse control [excluding narcotics traffic control (16063)]. 121 Health, general
12220 Basic health care Basic and primary health care programmes; paramedical and nursing care programmes; supply of drugs, medicines and vaccines related to basic health care. 122 Basic health
12230 Basic health infrastructure District-level hospitals, clinics and dispensaries and related medical equipment; excluding specialised hospitals and clinics (12191). 122 Basic health
12240 Basic nutrition Direct feeding programmes (maternal feeding, breastfeeding and weaning foods, child feeding, school feeding); determination of micro-nutrient deficiencies; provision of vitamin A, iodine, iron etc.; monitoring of nutritional status; nutrition and food hygiene education; household food security. 122 Basic health
12250 Infectious disease control Immunisation; prevention and control of infectious and parasite diseases, except malaria (12262), tuberculosis (12263), HIV/AIDS and other STDs (13040). It includes diarrheal diseases, vector-borne diseases (e.g. river blindness and guinea worm), viral diseases, mycosis, helminthiasis, zoonosis, diseases by other bacteria and viruses, pediculosis, etc. 122 Basic health
12261 Health education Information, education and training of the population for improving health knowledge and practices; public health and awareness campaigns. 122 Basic health
12262 Malaria control Prevention and control of malaria. 122 Basic health
12263 Tuberculosis control Immunisation, prevention and control of tuberculosis. 122 Basic health
12281 Health personnel development Training of health staff for basic health care services. 122 Basic health
13010 Population policy and administrative management Population/development policies; census work, vital registration; migration data; demographic research/analysis; reproductive health research; unspecified population activities. 130 POPULATION POLICIES/PROGRAMMES AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH
13020 Reproductive health care Promotion of reproductive health; prenatal and postnatal care including delivery; prevention and treatment of infertility; prevention and management of consequences of abortion; safe motherhood activities. 130 POPULATION POLICIES/PROGRAMMES AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH
13030 Family planning Family planning services including counselling; information, education and communication (IEC) activities; delivery of contraceptives; capacity building and training. 130 POPULATION POLICIES/PROGRAMMES AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH
13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS All activities related to sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS control e.g. information, education and communication; testing; prevention; treatment, care. 130 POPULATION POLICIES/PROGRAMMES AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH
13081 Personnel development for population and reproductive health Education and training of health staff for population and reproductive health care services. 130 POPULATION POLICIES/PROGRAMMES AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH
14010 Water resources policy and administrative management Water sector policy, planning and programmes; water legislation and management; institution capacity building and advice; water supply assessments and studies; groundwater, water quality and watershed studies; hydrogeology; excluding agricultural water resources (31140). 140 WATER AND SANITATION
14015 Water resources protection Inland surface waters (rivers, lakes, etc.); conservation and rehabilitation of ground water; prevention of water contamination from agro-chemicals, industrial effluents. 140 WATER AND SANITATION
14020 Water supply and sanitation - large systems Water desalination plants; intakes, storage, treatment, pumping stations, conveyance and distribution systems; sewerage; domestic and industrial waste water treatment plants. 140 WATER AND SANITATION
14021 Water supply - large systems Potable water treatment plants; intake works; storage; water supply pumping stations; large scale transmission / conveyance and distribution systems. 140 WATER AND SANITATION
14022 Sanitation - large systems Large scale sewerage including trunk sewers and sewage pumping stations; domestic and industrial waste water treatment plants. 140 WATER AND SANITATION
14030 Basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation Water supply and sanitation through low-cost technologies such as handpumps, spring catchment, gravity-fed systems, rain water collection, storage tanks, small distribution systems; latrines, small-bore sewers, on-site disposal (septic tanks). 140 WATER AND SANITATION
14031 Basic drinking water supply Rural water supply schemes using handpumps, spring catchments, gravity-fed systems, rainwater collection and fog harvesting, storage tanks, small distribution systems typically with shared connections/points of use. Urban schemes using handpumps and local neighbourhood networks including those with shared connections. 140 WATER AND SANITATION
14032 Basic sanitation Latrines, on-site disposal and alternative sanitation systems, including the promotion of household and community investments in the construction of these facilities. (Use code 12261 for activities promoting improved personal hygiene practices.) 140 WATER AND SANITATION
14040 River development Integrated river basin projects; river flow control; dams and reservoirs [excluding dams primarily for irrigation (31140) and hydropower (23065) and activities related to river transport (21040)]. 140 WATER AND SANITATION
14050 Waste management/disposal Municipal and industrial solid waste management, including hazardous and toxic waste; collection, disposal and treatment; landfill areas; composting and reuse. 140 WATER AND SANITATION
14081 Education and training in water supply and sanitation 140 WATER AND SANITATION
15110 Economic and development policy/planning Institution-building assistance to strengthen core public sector management systems and capacities. This includes macro-economic and other policy management, co-ordination, planning and reform; human resource management; organisational development; civil service reform; e‑government; development planning, monitoring and evaluation; support to ministries involved in aid co-ordination; other ministries and government departments when sector cannot be specified. (Use specific sector codes for development of systems and capacities in sector ministries.) 151 Government and civil society, general N.B. Use code 51010 for general budget support.
15111 Public finance management Fiscal policy and planning; support to ministries of finance; strengthening financial and managerial accountability; public expenditure management; improving financial management systems; tax policy and administration; budget drafting; inter-governmental fiscal relations, public audit, public debt. (Use code 33120 for customs.) 151 Government and civil society, general N.B. Use code 51010 for general budget support.
15112 Decentralisation and support to subnational government Decentralisation processes (including political, administrative and fiscal dimensions); intergovernmental relations and federalism; strengthening departments of regional and local government, regional and local authorities and their national associations. (Use specific sector codes for decentralisation of sector management and services.) 151 Government and civil society, general N.B. Use code 51010 for general budget support.
15113 Anti-corruption organisations and institutions Specialised organisations, institutions and frameworks for the prevention of and combat against corruption, bribery, money-laundering and other aspects of organised crime, with or without law enforcement powers, e.g. anti-corruption commissions and monitoring bodies, special investigation services, institutions and initiatives of integrity and ethics oversight, specialised NGOs, other civil society and citizens’ organisations directly concerned with corruption. 151 Government and civil society, general N.B. Use code 51010 for general budget support.
15120 Public sector financial management Strengthening financial and managerial accountability; public expenditure management; improving financial management systems; tax assessment procedures; budget drafting; field auditing; measures against waste, fraud and corruption. 151 Government and civil society, general N.B. Use code 51010 for general budget support.
15130 Legal and judicial development Constitutional development, legal drafting; institutional strengthening of legal and judicial systems; legal training and education; legal advice and services; crime prevention. 151 Government and civil society, general N.B. Use code 51010 for general budget support.
15140 Government administration Systems of government including parliament, local government, decentralisation; civil service and civil service reform. Including general services by government (or commissioned by government) not elsewhere specified e.g. police, fire protection; cartography, meteorology, legal metrology, aerial surveys and remote sensing; administrative buildings. 151 Government and civil society, general N.B. Use code 51010 for general budget support.
15150 Democratic participation and civil society Support to the exercise of democracy and diverse forms of participation of citizens beyond elections (15151); direct democracy instruments such as referenda and citizens’ initiatives; support to organisations to represent and advocate for their members, to monitor, engage and hold governments to account, and to help citizens learn to act in the public sphere; curricula and teaching for civic education at various levels. (This purpose code is restricted to activities targeting governance issues. When assistance to civil society is for non-governance purposes use other appropriate purpose codes.) 151 Government and civil society, general N.B. Use code 51010 for general budget support.
15151 Elections Electoral management bodies and processes, election observation, voters' education. (Use code 15230 when in the context of an international peacekeeping operation.) 151 Government and civil society, general N.B. Use code 51010 for general budget support.
15152 Legislatures and political parties Assistance to strengthen key functions of legislatures/ parliaments including subnational assemblies and councils (representation; oversight; legislation), such as improving the capacity of legislative bodies, improving legislatures’ committees and administrative procedures,; research and information management systems; providing training programmes for legislators and support personnel. Assistance to political parties and strengthening of party systems. 151 Government and civil society, general N.B. Use code 51010 for general budget support.
15153 Media and free flow of information Activities that support free and uncensored flow of information on public issues; activities that increase the editorial and technical skills and the integrity of the print and broadcast media, e.g. training of journalists. (Use codes 22010-22040 for provision of equipment and capital assistance to media.) 151 Government and civil society, general N.B. Use code 51010 for general budget support.
15160 Human rights Measures to support specialised official human rights institutions and mechanisms at universal, regional, national and local levels in their statutory roles to promote and protect civil and political, economic, social and cultural rights as defined in international conventions and covenants; translation of international human rights commitments into national legislation; reporting and follow-up; human rights dialogue. Human rights defenders and human rights NGOs; human rights advocacy, activism, mobilisation; awareness raising and public human rights education. Human rights programming targeting specific groups, e.g. children, persons with disabilities, migrants, ethnic, religious, linguistic and sexual minorities, indigenous people and those suffering from caste discrimination, victims of trafficking, victims of torture. (Use code 15230 when in the context of an international peacekeeping operation) 151 Government and civil society, general N.B. Use code 51010 for general budget support.
15170 Women's equality organisations and institutions * Support for institutions and organisations (governmental and non-governmental) working for gender equality and women's empowerment. 151 Government and civil society, general N.B. Use code 51010 for general budget support.
15210 Security system management and reform Technical co-operation provided to parliament, government ministries, law enforcement agencies and the judiciary to assist review and reform of the security system to improve democratic governance and civilian control; technical co-operation provided to government to improve civilian oversight and democratic control of budgeting, management, accountability and auditing of security expenditure, including military budgets, as part of a public expenditure management programme; assistance to civil society to enhance its competence and capacity to scrutinise the security system so that it is managed in accordance with democratic norms and principles of accountability, transparency and good governance. 152 Conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security N.B. Further notes on ODA eligibility (and exclusions) of conflict, peace and security related activities are given in paragraphs 41-46 of the DAC Statistical Reporting Directives.
15220 Civilian peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution Support for civilian activities related to peace building, conflict prevention and resolution, including capacity building, monitoring, dialogue and information exchange. 152 Conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security N.B. Further notes on ODA eligibility (and exclusions) of conflict, peace and security related activities are given in paragraphs 41-46 of the DAC Statistical Reporting Directives.
15230 Post-conflict peace-building (UN) Participation in the post-conflict peace-building phase of United Nations peace operations (activities such as human rights and elections monitoring, rehabilitation of demobilised soldiers, rehabilitation of basic national infrastructure, monitoring or retraining of civil administrators and police forces, training in customs and border control procedures, advice or training in fiscal or macroeconomic stabilisation policy, repatriation and demobilisation of armed factions, and disposal of their weapons; support for landmine removal). Direct contributions to the UN peacekeeping budget are excluded from bilateral ODA (they are reportable in part as multilateral ODA). 152 Conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security N.B. Further notes on ODA eligibility (and exclusions) of conflict, peace and security related activities are given in paragraphs 41-46 of the DAC Statistical Reporting Directives.
15240 Reintegration and SALW control Reintegration of demobilised military personnel into the economy; conversion of production facilities from military to civilian outputs; technical co-operation to control, prevent and/or reduce the proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) - see para. 39 of the DAC Statistical Reporting Directives for definition of SALW activities covered. [Other than in connection with UN peace-building (15230) or child soldiers (15261)]. 152 Conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security N.B. Further notes on ODA eligibility (and exclusions) of conflict, peace and security related activities are given in paragraphs 41-46 of the DAC Statistical Reporting Directives.
15250 Land mine clearance Explosive mine removal for developmental purposes [other than in connection with UN peace-building (15230)]. 152 Conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security N.B. Further notes on ODA eligibility (and exclusions) of conflict, peace and security related activities are given in paragraphs 41-46 of the DAC Statistical Reporting Directives.
15261 Child soldiers (Prevention and demobilisation) Technical co-operation provided to government and assistance to civil society organisations to support and apply legislation designed to prevent the recruitment of child soldiers, and to demobilise, disarm, reintegrate, repatriate and resettle (DDR) child soldiers. 152 Conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security N.B. Further notes on ODA eligibility (and exclusions) of conflict, peace and security related activities are given in paragraphs 41-46 of the DAC Statistical Reporting Directives.
16010 Social/ welfare services Social legislation and administration; institution capacity building and advice; social security and other social schemes; special programmes for the elderly, orphans, the disabled, street children; social dimensions of structural adjustment; unspecified social infrastructure and services, including consumer protection. 160 OTHER SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES
16020 Employment policy and administrative management Employment policy and planning; labour law; labour unions; institution capacity building and advice; support programmes for unemployed; employment creation and income generation programmes; occupational safety and health; combating child labour. 160 OTHER SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES
16030 Housing policy and administrative management Housing sector policy, planning and programmes; excluding low-cost housing and slum clearance (16040). 160 OTHER SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES
16040 Low-cost housing Including slum clearance. 160 OTHER SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES
16050 Multisector aid for basic social services Basic social services are defined to include basic education, basic health, basic nutrition, population/reproductive health and basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation. 160 OTHER SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES
16061 Culture and recreation Including libraries and museums. 160 OTHER SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES
16062 Statistical capacity building Both in national statistical offices and any other government ministries. 160 OTHER SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES
16063 Narcotics control In-country and customs controls including training of the police; educational programmes and awareness campaigns to restrict narcotics traffic and in-country distribution. 160 OTHER SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES
16064 Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS Special programmes to address the consequences of HIV/AIDS, e.g. social, legal and economic assistance to people living with HIV/AIDS including food security and employment; support to vulnerable groups and children orphaned by HIV/AIDS; human rights of HIV/AIDS affected people. 160 OTHER SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES
21010 Transport policy and administrative management Transport sector policy, planning and programmes; aid to transport ministries; institution capacity building and advice; unspecified transport; activities that combine road, rail, water and/or air transport. 210 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE Note: Manufacturing of transport equipment should be included under code 32172.
21020 Road transport Road infrastructure, road vehicles; passenger road transport, motor passenger cars. 210 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE Note: Manufacturing of transport equipment should be included under code 32172.
21030 Rail transport Rail infrastructure, rail equipment, locomotives, other rolling stock; including light rail (tram) and underground systems. 210 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE Note: Manufacturing of transport equipment should be included under code 32172.
21040 Water transport Harbours and docks, harbour guidance systems, ships and boats; river and other inland water transport, inland barges and vessels. 210 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE Note: Manufacturing of transport equipment should be included under code 32172.
21050 Air transport Airports, airport guidance systems, aeroplanes, aeroplane maintenance equipment. 210 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE Note: Manufacturing of transport equipment should be included under code 32172.
21061 Storage Whether or not related to transportation. 210 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE Note: Manufacturing of transport equipment should be included under code 32172.
21081 Education and training in transport and storage 210 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE Note: Manufacturing of transport equipment should be included under code 32172.
22010 Communications policy and administrative management Communications sector policy, planning and programmes; institution capacity building and advice; including postal services development; unspecified communications activities. 220 COMMUNICATION
22020 Telecommunications Telephone networks, telecommunication satellites, earth stations. 220 COMMUNICATION
22030 Radio/television/print media Radio and TV links, equipment; newspapers; printing and publishing. 220 COMMUNICATION
22040 Information and communication technology (ICT) Computer hardware and software; internet access; IT training. When sector cannot be specified. 220 COMMUNICATION
23010 Energy policy and administrative management Energy sector policy, planning and programmes; aid to energy ministries; institution capacity building and advice; unspecified energy activities including energy conservation. 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23020 Power generation/non-renewable sources Thermal power plants including when heat source cannot be determined; combined gas-coal power plants. 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23030 Power generation/renewable sources Including policy, planning, development programmes, surveys and incentives. Fuelwood/ charcoal production should be included under forestry (31261). 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23040 Electrical transmission/ distribution Distribution from power source to end user; transmission lines. 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23050 Gas distribution Delivery for use by ultimate consumer. 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23061 Oil-fired power plants Including diesel power plants. 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23062 Gas-fired power plants 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23063 Coal-fired power plants 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23064 Nuclear power plants Including nuclear safety. 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23065 Hydro-electric power plants Including power-generating river barges. 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23066 Geothermal energy 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23067 Solar energy Including photo-voltaic cells, solar thermal applications and solar heating. 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23068 Wind power Wind energy for water lifting and electric power generation. 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23069 Ocean power Including ocean thermal energy conversion, tidal and wave power. 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23070 Biomass Densification technologies and use of biomass for direct power generation including biogas, gas obtained from sugar cane and other plant residues, anaerobic digesters. 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23081 Energy education/training Applies to all energy sub-sectors; all levels of training. 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
23082 Energy research Including general inventories, surveys. 230 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY Note: Extraction of raw materials for power generation should be included in the mining sector. Energy manufacturing should be included in the industry sector.
24010 Financial policy and administrative management Finance sector policy, planning and programmes; institution capacity building and advice; financial markets and systems. 240 BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES
24020 Monetary institutions Central banks. 240 BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES
24030 Formal sector financial intermediaries All formal sector financial intermediaries; credit lines; insurance, leasing, venture capital, etc. (except when focused on only one sector). 240 BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES
24040 Informal/semi-formal financial intermediaries Micro credit, savings and credit co-operatives etc. 240 BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES
24081 Education/training in banking and financial services 240 BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES
25010 Business support services and institutions Support to trade and business associations, chambers of commerce; legal and regulatory reform aimed at improving business and investment climate; private sector institution capacity building and advice; trade information; public-private sector networking including trade fairs; e?commerce. Where sector cannot be specified: general support to private sector enterprises (in particular, use code 32130 for enterprises in the industrial sector). 250 BUSINESS AND OTHER SERVICES
25020 Privatisation When sector cannot be specified. Including general state enterprise restructuring or demonopolisation programmes; planning, programming, advice. 250 BUSINESS AND OTHER SERVICES
31110 Agricultural policy and administrative management Agricultural sector policy, planning and programmes; aid to agricultural ministries; institution capacity building and advice; unspecified agriculture. 311 AGRICULTURE
31120 Agricultural development Integrated projects; farm development. 311 AGRICULTURE
31130 Agricultural land resources Including soil degradation control; soil improvement; drainage of water logged areas; soil desalination; agricultural land surveys; land reclamation; erosion control, desertification control. 311 AGRICULTURE
31140 Agricultural water resources Irrigation, reservoirs, hydraulic structures, ground water exploitation for agricultural use. 311 AGRICULTURE
31150 Agricultural inputs Supply of seeds, fertilizers, agricultural machinery/equipment. 311 AGRICULTURE
31161 Food crop production Including grains (wheat, rice, barley, maize, rye, oats, millet, sorghum); horticulture; vegetables; fruit and berries; other annual and perennial crops. [Use code 32161 for agro-industries.] 311 AGRICULTURE
31162 Industrial crops/export crops Including sugar; coffee, cocoa, tea; oil seeds, nuts, kernels; fibre crops; tobacco; rubber. [Use code 32161 for agro-industries.] 311 AGRICULTURE
31163 Livestock Animal husbandry; animal feed aid. 311 AGRICULTURE
31164 Agrarian reform Including agricultural sector adjustment. 311 AGRICULTURE
31165 Agricultural alternative development Projects to reduce illicit drug cultivation through other agricultural marketing and production opportunities (see code 43050 for non-agricultural alternative development). 311 AGRICULTURE
31166 Agricultural extension Non-formal training in agriculture. 311 AGRICULTURE
31181 Agricultural education/training 311 AGRICULTURE
31182 Agricultural research Plant breeding, physiology, genetic resources, ecology, taxonomy, disease control, agricultural bio-technology; including livestock research (animal health, breeding and genetics, nutrition, physiology). 311 AGRICULTURE
31191 Agricultural services Marketing policies and organisation; storage and transportation, creation of strategic reserves. 311 AGRICULTURE
31192 Plant and post-harvest protection and pest control Including integrated plant protection, biological plant protection activities, supply and management of agrochemicals, supply of pesticides, plant protection policy and legislation. 311 AGRICULTURE
31193 Agricultural financial services Financial intermediaries for the agricultural sector including credit schemes; crop insurance. 311 AGRICULTURE
31194 Agricultural co-operatives Including farmersÂ’ organisations. 311 AGRICULTURE
31195 Livestock/veterinary services Animal health and management, genetic resources, feed resources. 311 AGRICULTURE
31210 Forestry policy and administrative management Forestry sector policy, planning and programmes; institution capacity building and advice; forest surveys; unspecified forestry and agro-forestry activities. 312 FORESTRY
31220 Forestry development Afforestation for industrial and rural consumption; exploitation and utilisation; erosion control, desertification control; integrated forestry projects. 312 FORESTRY
31261 Fuelwood/charcoal Forestry development whose primary purpose is production of fuelwood and charcoal. 312 FORESTRY
31281 Forestry education/training 312 FORESTRY
31282 Forestry research Including artificial regeneration, genetic improvement, production methods, fertilizer, harvesting. 312 FORESTRY
31291 Forestry services 312 FORESTRY
31310 Fishing policy and administrative management Fishing sector policy, planning and programmes; institution capacity building and advice; ocean and coastal fishing; marine and freshwater fish surveys and prospecting; fishing boats/equipment; unspecified fishing activities. 313 FISHING
31320 Fishery development Exploitation and utilisation of fisheries; fish stock protection; aquaculture; integrated fishery projects. 313 FISHING
31381 Fishery education/training 313 FISHING
31382 Fishery research Pilot fish culture; marine/freshwater biological research. 313 FISHING
31391 Fishery services Fishing harbours; fish markets; fishery transport and cold storage. 313 FISHING
32110 Industrial policy and administrative management Industrial sector policy, planning and programmes; institution capacity building and advice; unspecified industrial activities; manufacturing of goods not specified below. 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32120 Industrial development 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32130 Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) development Direct support to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the industrial sector, including accounting, auditing and advisory services. 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32140 Cottage industries and handicraft 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32161 Agro-industries Staple food processing, dairy products, slaughter houses and equipment, meat and fish processing and preserving, oils/fats, sugar refineries, beverages/tobacco, animal feeds production. 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32162 Forest industries Wood production, pulp/paper production. 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32163 Textiles, leather and substitutes Including knitting factories. 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32164 Chemicals Industrial and non-industrial production facilities; includes pesticides production. 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32165 Fertilizer plants 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32166 Cement/lime/plaster 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32167 Energy manufacturing Including gas liquefaction; petroleum refineries. 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32168 Pharmaceutical production Medical equipment/supplies; drugs, medicines, vaccines; hygienic products. 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32169 Basic metal industries Iron and steel, structural metal production. 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32170 Non-ferrous metal industries 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32171 Engineering Manufacturing of electrical and non-electrical machinery, engines/turbines. 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32172 Transport equipment industry Shipbuilding, fishing boats building; railroad equipment; motor vehicles and motor passenger cars; aircraft; navigation/guidance systems. 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32182 Technological research and development Including industrial standards; quality management; metrology; testing; accreditation; certification. 321 INDUSTRY Only includes aid to production or manufacturing. Provision of finished products should be included under relevant sector.
32210 Mineral/mining policy and administrative management Mineral and mining sector policy, planning and programmes; mining legislation, mining cadastre, mineral resources inventory, information systems, institution capacity building and advice; unspecified mineral resources exploitation. 322 MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINING
32220 Mineral prospection and exploration Geology, geophysics, geochemistry; excluding hydrogeology (14010) and environmental geology (41010), mineral extraction and processing, infrastructure, technology, economics, safety and environment management. 322 MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINING
32261 Coal Including lignite and peat. 322 MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINING
32262 Oil and gas Petroleum, natural gas, condensates, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), liquefied natural gas (LNG); including drilling and production. 322 MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINING
32263 Ferrous metals Iron and ferro-alloy metals. 322 MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINING
32264 Nonferrous metals Aluminium, copper, lead, nickel, tin, zinc. 322 MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINING
32265 Precious metals/materials Gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, gemstones. 322 MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINING
32266 Industrial minerals Baryte, limestone, feldspar, kaolin, sand, gypsym, gravel, ornamental stones. 322 MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINING
32267 Fertilizer minerals Phosphates, potash. 322 MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINING
32268 Offshore minerals Polymetallic nodules, phosphorites, marine placer deposits. 322 MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINING
32310 Construction policy and administrative management Construction sector policy and planning; excluding construction activities within specific sectors (e.g., hospital or school construction). 323 CONSTRUCTION
33110 Trade policy and administrative management Trade policy and planning; support to ministries and departments responsible for trade policy; trade-related legislation and regulatory reforms; policy analysis and implementation of multilateral trade agreements e.g. technical barriers to trade and sanitary and phytosanitary measures (TBT/SPS) except at regional level (see 33130); mainstreaming trade in national development strategies (e.g. poverty reduction strategy papers); wholesale/retail trade; unspecified trade and trade promotion activities. 331 TRADE POLICY AND REGULATIONS AND TRADE-RELATED ADJUSTMENT
33120 Trade facilitation Simplification and harmonisation of international import and export procedures (e.g. customs valuation, licensing procedures, transport formalities, payments, insurance); support to customs departments; tariff reforms. 331 TRADE POLICY AND REGULATIONS AND TRADE-RELATED ADJUSTMENT
33130 Regional trade agreements (RTAs) Support to regional trade arrangements [e.g. Southern African Development Community (SADC), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), African Caribbean Pacific/European Union (ACP/EU)], including work on technical barriers to trade and sanitary and phytosanitary measures (TBT/SPS) at regional level; elaboration of rules of origin and introduction of special and differential treatment in RTAs. 331 TRADE POLICY AND REGULATIONS AND TRADE-RELATED ADJUSTMENT
33140 Multilateral trade negotiations Support developing countries' effective participation in multilateral trade negotiations, including training of negotiators, assessing impacts of negotiations; accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and other multilateral trade-related organisations. 331 TRADE POLICY AND REGULATIONS AND TRADE-RELATED ADJUSTMENT
33150 Trade-related adjustment Contributions to the government budget to assist the implementation of recipients' own trade reforms and adjustments to trade policy measures by other countries; assistance to manage shortfalls in the balance of payments due to changes in the world trading environment. 331 TRADE POLICY AND REGULATIONS AND TRADE-RELATED ADJUSTMENT
33181 Trade education/training Human resources development in trade not included under any of the above codes. Includes university programmes in trade. 331 TRADE POLICY AND REGULATIONS AND TRADE-RELATED ADJUSTMENT
33210 Tourism policy and administrative management 332 TOURISM
41010 Environmental policy and administrative management Environmental policy, laws, regulations and economic instruments; administrational institutions and practices; environmental and land use planning and decision-making procedures; seminars, meetings; miscellaneous conservation and protection measures not specified below. 410 General environmental protection Non-sector specific.
41020 Biosphere protection Air pollution control, ozone layer preservation; marine pollution control. 410 General environmental protection Non-sector specific.
41030 Bio-diversity Including natural reserves and actions in the surrounding areas; other measures to protect endangered or vulnerable species and their habitats (e.g. wetlands preservation). 410 General environmental protection Non-sector specific.
41040 Site preservation Applies to unique cultural landscape; including sites/objects of historical, archeological, aesthetic, scientific or educational value. 410 General environmental protection Non-sector specific.
41050 Flood prevention/control Floods from rivers or the sea; including sea water intrusion control and sea level rise related activities. 410 General environmental protection Non-sector specific.
41081 Environmental education/ training 410 General environmental protection Non-sector specific.
41082 Environmental research Including establishment of databases, inventories/accounts of physical and natural resources; environmental profiles and impact studies if not sector specific. 410 General environmental protection Non-sector specific.
43010 Multisector aid 430 Other multisector
43030 Urban development and management Integrated urban development projects; local development and urban management; urban infrastructure and services; municipal finances; urban environmental management; urban development and planning; urban renewal and urban housing; land information systems. 430 Other multisector
43040 Rural development Integrated rural development projects; e.g. regional development planning; promotion of decentralised and multi-sectoral competence for planning, co-ordination and management; implementation of regional development and measures (including natural reserve management); land management; land use planning; land settlement and resettlement activities [excluding resettlement of refugees and internally displaced persons (72010)]; functional integration of rural and urban areas; geographical information systems. 430 Other multisector
43050 Non-agricultural alternative development Projects to reduce illicit drug cultivation through, for example, non-agricultural income opportunities, social and physical infrastructure (see code 31165 for agricultural alternative development). 430 Other multisector
43081 Multisector education/training Including scholarships. 430 Other multisector
43082 Research/scientific institutions When sector cannot be identified. 430 Other multisector
51010 General budget support Unearmarked contributions to the government budget; support for the implementation of macroeconomic reforms (structural adjustment programmes, poverty reduction strategies); general programme assistance (when not allocable by sector). 510 General budget support Budget support in the form of sector-wide approaches (SWAps) should be included in the respective sectors.
52010 Food aid/Food security programmes Supply of edible human food under national or international programmes including transport costs; cash payments made for food supplies; project food aid and food aid for market sales when benefiting sector not specified; excluding emergency food aid. 520 Developmental food aid/Food security assistance
53030 Import support (capital goods) Capital goods and services; lines of credit. 530 Other commodity assistance Non-food commodity assistance (when benefiting sector not specified).
53040 Import support (commodities) Commodities, general goods and services, oil imports. 530 Other commodity assistance Non-food commodity assistance (when benefiting sector not specified).
60010 Action relating to debt Actions falling outside the code headings below; training in debt management. 600 ACTION RELATING TO DEBT
60020 Debt forgiveness 600 ACTION RELATING TO DEBT
60030 Relief of multilateral debt Grants or credits to cover debt owed to multilateral financial institutions; including contributions to Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Trust Fund. 600 ACTION RELATING TO DEBT
60040 Rescheduling and refinancing 600 ACTION RELATING TO DEBT
60061 Debt for development swap Allocation of debt claims to use for development (e.g., debt for education, debt for environment). 600 ACTION RELATING TO DEBT
60062 Other debt swap Where the debt swap benefits an external agent i.e. is not specifically for development purposes. 600 ACTION RELATING TO DEBT
60063 Debt buy-back Purchase of debt for the purpose of cancellation. 600 ACTION RELATING TO DEBT
72010 Material relief assistance and services Shelter, water, sanitation and health services, supply of medicines and other non-food relief items; assistance to refugees and internally displaced people in developing countries other than for food (72040) or protection (72050). 720 Emergency Response An emergency is a situation which results from man made crises and/or natural disasters.
72040 Emergency food aid Food aid normally for general free distribution or special supplementary feeding programmes; short-term relief to targeted population groups affected by emergency situations. Excludes non-emergency food security assistance programmes/food aid (52010). 720 Emergency Response An emergency is a situation which results from man made crises and/or natural disasters.
72050 Relief co-ordination; protection and support services Measures to co-ordinate delivery of humanitarian aid, including logistics and communications systems; measures to promote and protect the safety, well-being, dignity and integrity of civilians and those no longer taking part in hostilities. (Activities designed to protect the security of persons or property through the use or display of force are not reportable as ODA.) 720 Emergency Response An emergency is a situation which results from man made crises and/or natural disasters.
73010 Reconstruction relief and rehabilitation Short-term reconstruction work after emergency or conflict limited to restoring pre-existing infrastructure (e.g. repair or construction of roads, bridges and ports, restoration of essential facilities, such as water and sanitation, shelter, health care services); social and economic rehabilitation in the aftermath of emergencies to facilitate transition and enable populations to return to their previous livelihood or develop a new livelihood in the wake of an emergency situation (e.g. trauma counselling and treatment, employment programmes). 730 Reconstruction relief and rehabilitation This relates to activities during and in the aftermath of an emergency situation. Longer-term activities to improve the level of infrastructure or social services should be reported under the relevant economic and social sector codes. See also guideline on distinguishing humanitarian from sector-allocable aid.
74010 Disaster prevention and preparedness Disaster risk reduction activities (e.g. developing knowledge, natural risks cartography, legal norms for construction); early warning systems; emergency contingency stocks and contingency planning including preparations for forced displacement. 740 Disaster prevention and preparedness See codes 41050 and 15220 for prevention of floods and conflicts.
91010 Administrative costs 910 ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS OF DONORS
92010 Support to national NGOs In the donor country. 920 SUPPORT TO NON- GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS (NGOs)
92020 Support to international NGOs 920 SUPPORT TO NON- GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS (NGOs)
92030 Support to local and regional NGOs In the recipient country or region. 920 SUPPORT TO NON- GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS (NGOs)
93010 Refugees in donor countries 930 REFUGEES IN DONOR COUNTRIES
99810 Sectors not specified Contributions to general development of the recipient should be included under programme assistance (51010). 998 UNALLOCATED/ UNSPECIFIED
99820 Promotion of development awareness Spending in donor country for heightened awareness/interest in development co-operation (brochures, lectures, special research projects, etc.). 998 UNALLOCATED/ UNSPECIFIED